IBU - Andry

How To Be Really Resilient At Work

by | Jul 1, 2020

In this session, Andry will share a mini-guide to the 5 areas you can tap into to build resilience: from resilient wellbeing to collaborative resilience.

This session will cover:

  • A mini practice of one resilience mindset technique to help you visualise what being resilience really looks like for you.

Catch the replay below:


Website: https://thelearningmoment.org

Twitter: @_learningmoment

If you’d like to be part of our programme of activities by running a 30-45 minute workshop/ talk to the Impact Brixton community please contact us at marketing@impactbrixton.com and also let us know what topics you’d like to see us run and we’ll do our best to fulfil your requests.

Impact Brixton Team