In this online learning session, we have Sadiya Ali Hussein sharing The importance of adapting your Social Media to our new reality, Covid-19.
Sadiya Ali Hussein is a Digital Marketing Consultant, who specialises in Social Media Marketing. Her customers are from different markets, however, she always provides a creative social media strategy customised to meet the needs of each client.
Covid-19 era has resulted in a sharp rise in demand for online content. During the lockdown, we are trying to kill time, keep busy, seeking information, and calming ourselves, more and more people are turning to online content. A report by Facebook revealed that there’s been about a 70% increase in time spent on the application in Italy during the lockdown. In this webinar, you will learn how to effectively use social media to enhance your business’s aims during Covid-19. If you could please login on your PC/laptop. There will be an interactive section where you will need another browser open.
Sadiya has worked with small companies that are starting, large companies such as Hormuud Telecom (largest telecommunications company in Somalia) and also charities such as Orphans in Need. Sadiya values her clients and their business’s success. This is demonstrated by how she teaches them how to incorporate digital strategy at every stage of their decision making.
Catch the replay below:
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