What are the three things that an entrepreneur needs to do?

What are the three things that an entrepreneur needs to do?

Being an entrepreneur comes with all sorts of challenges. When you’re setting up a business, there are three things to keep in mind.  Networking is key: As an entrepreneur, your network is your greatest asset. You may meet people who can support all aspects of...


I recently took part in a panel event hosted by the Local Coworking Association to discuss social impact. One of the questions on the table asked how key stakeholders and potential funders measure Impact. It really got me thinking about who defines our mission here at...
10 Things Every Co-Working Space Should Have

10 Things Every Co-Working Space Should Have

People join co-working spaces for all sorts of reasons, but there are some things that nobody should be without. Here’s our rundown of the Top 10 Things that all co-working spaces should have. Space It might seem obvious, but a co-working space needs space, and plenty...
Bouncing Back to Work in Uncertain Times

Bouncing Back to Work in Uncertain Times

This year more than ever, it’s difficult to believe that it’s somehow January AGAIN. 2020 has slipped away in a blur of cancelled plans, online re-imaginings and – for lots of us – just trying to keep afloat. Many freelancers and small business owners will...