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5 Ways Hotdesking Can Maximise Your Productivity

by | May 8, 2024

Research suggests that 46% of workers feel more productive in a hot desk environment. And if you’re a small business owner with tons of tasks to tick off, you might find that hotdesking in a coworking space is the perfect fit for you. 

We’ve been running a coworking space in Brixton for 10 years now. And we’ve seen boundless evidence that hot desking can make you happier, healthier and way more productive. And the good news is that hot desking doesn’t have to break the bank! At Impact Brixton, we offer unlimited hot desking for just £150 per month. And if you Google ‘hot desking space near me’, you’re sure to find plenty of options that will be easy to access right from your doorstep. 

This blog post will break down the top five ways that hot desking can improve your productivity. And if you’re looking for a hot desking space, you can find the perfect hot desk rental space in our blog post listing the best places to work in London

What is hot desking?

Hot desking (or hotdesking, as it’s sometimes spelled!) is a flexible office arrangement where lots of different workers use a single physical workstation or desk at different times. So it’s not like a traditional office setup where everyone has their own dedicated desk – employees simply book a desk to work at for the day, choosing whichever desk is available. 

Whether you choose to hot desk in central London or opt for the more affordable to hot desk in Brixton and other well-connected zones, hot desking can be a great way to access the huge benefits that cities and other desirable districts offer without having to spend huge amounts of your cash flow on overheads. There are plenty of options to hot desk in London per day, so you can always try it out before you commit!

Hot desking also a great solution for companies looking to make savings on their private office rentals in expensive locations such as London. If you encourage your employees to hot desk at work for three days a week, working the rest from home, you won’t need one desk per person – you’ll be able to scale down your office space and make huge savings on your overheads in the process. The chances are your employees will be happier, too! 

You just need to make sure you’ve got a reliable hot desk booking system in place. As long as your employees know what they need to do to secure a desk and they’re able to do so when they need, you’ll be sorted. 

5 Ways That Hotdesking Can Maximise Your Productivity

1. Establishing a routine

Whether you’re self-employed or working remotely, finding the motivation to create a routine and stick to it can be tough – especially if your home is your office.

This is where a hot desk booking can really help to structure your day. We’re definitely not saying we never work in our pyjamas, but a few days a week where you get up, showered and dressed, then you head to a bright and welcoming coworking space like Impact Brixton with a fancy coffee machine, a community of freelancers, and a clear desk with a chair built to provide lumbar support can make the world of difference. 

Hotdesking for a couple of days a week can really help you to create specific working hours, creating a schedule that includes dedicated time for focused work, breaks, and collaboration. It’s a great way to make sure you’re looking after your mental health. 

2. Minimising distractions

Your phone. The TV. The fridge. Social media. That cool present your auntie gave you when you were a kid that’s still sitting on your shelf. Working from home can give you flexibility, freedom and a great work life balance – but it can also come with a ton of distractions. 

The great thing about going to a coworking space where you can hotdesk is that tons of those distractions are eliminated. Most coworking spaces come with different areas where you can choose between a quiet or bustling work environment. You’ll find the perfect conditions to get in the zone and concentrate on your work – and when you do fancy a distraction, you’ll be surrounded by other like-minded entrepreneurs who’d love to chat. And all of a sudden procrastination becomes networking! It’s ideal.

3. Feeling accountable

A big advantage of coworking spaces is that you’re surrounded by other freelancers, entrepreneurs and work-from-home employees. And they all know exactly what it’s like to have days where you lack motivation. 

Taking yourself into a professional environment can do wonders for your mindset, making it easier to focus on your tasks. Knowing that others around you are working diligently can encourage you to do the same. And whenever you get stuck, you can always tell one of your fellow hot deskers that you need to finish a certain task before lunch. Saying it out loud to someone who will check whether you actually did it is a great way to keep motivated!

4. Accessing resources

Most hotdesking spaces are kitted out with amenities such as high-speed internet, printing facilities, and refreshments, meaning that you can power though your to-do list with ease. It also opens up more ways for you to work. Feeling stuck at your desk? Go and get a fancy coffee in the kitchen. Tired of looking at your screen? Print out your reading and annotate it on paper instead. 

Some hot desking spaces also come with virtual office facilities which can help you access a professional postcode to use for your registered business address. It’s a great way to boost your brand and build credibility. And you may find that you can access extra resources such as virtual receptionists to take calls, making your company seem even more professional!

5. Networking and collaborating

What’s one thing that a hot desking space has that your kitchen table definitely doesn’t? The opportunity to connect and collaborate with other freelancers, small business owners and work-from-home employees. 

Here at Impact Brixton we’ve seen countless companies form between entrepreneurs who met in our space. And there’s no better way to boost your productivity than finding a collaborator. Hot desking is the perfect way to network. It can spark creativity, provide fresh perspectives, and open doors to new opportunities.

You may even find that the coworking space where you’re hotdesking organises workshops, training programmes or networking events. And even if it’s as simple as joining your coworkers for lunch in the kitchen or chatting to someone while you’re boiling the kettle, engaging with your new-found hot desking community is a great way to broaden your horizons. 


Hot desking in coworking spaces like Impact Brixton can offer entrepreneurs and freelancers a ton of benefits, including structured routines, minimised distractions, a sense of accountability and top resources and networking opportunities. 

It gives you the opportunity to embrace the freedom and flexibility of working from home while still maintaining a healthy workplace / homelife balance. And it can bring you all the advantages of a private serviced office at a fraction of the cost! 

For more advice on how to maximise your workspace, check out our blog post on the four best office solutions for startups in London